Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art cigars are a very popular follow-up to Cigar Aficionado's 96-rated #1 Cigar of the year in 2011. This gorgeous line extension features a deep reddish-hue, very oily, Honduran Corojo wrapper, over a premium blend of perfectly aged binder and long filler tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua. Like all Alec Bradley creations, Lost Art boasts flawless construction, a slow burn, and an effortless draw.This medium to full-bodied blend from one of the hottest brands on the market is brimming with a complex tapestry of oak, espresso, earthy leather, and dark spicy tobacco flavors, punctuated with a long creamy finish. The luxury Prensado Lost Art cigar is yet another top-notch Alec Bradley blend that is destined to for the same greatness as its famous cousin.