Boldness and intensity combine to create the Ecuador. With three 90+ ratings from Cigar Aficionado,this is truly a sought-after gem. Time and time again, Camacho refuses todisappoint enthusiasts and beginners alike with handmade premium cigars and experimental,yet authentic efforts. Born in the foothills of the Andes Mountains, this medium tofull-bodied smoke features an impressive Brazilian Mata Fina binder and premiumfillers from Dominican Pelo de Oro ligero and Honduras. But what really makesthis South American beauty stand out is its extremely versatile, gorgeous EcuadorianHabano wrapper. Aromatic and elegant, you have to try the Camacho Ecuador foryourself.In terms of flavor, a combination of pepper, citrus andtangy floral notes come together in a captivating crescendo to create adeliciously indulgent experience. Fill your humidor with the Camacho Ecuador cigars, sit back and enjoy.