H. Upmann Hispaniola By Jose Mendez Belicoso cigars are a collaboration between Altadis U.S.A, makers of some of the world's most sought-after blends, and famous tobacco producer Jose Mendez. This sophisticated Jose Mendez blend contains the best tobaccos from several different farms and regions in the Dominican, including Andullo and Pilotico, with some fully aged Nicaraguan leaves added as well. The cigars are finished a stunning reddish-brown Ecuador Sumatra leaf. All this premium tobacco goodness provides the cigar aficionado with rich, full flavored notes of toasted almonds, cocoa, cedar, and hints of spice. Hispaniola By Jose Mendez Belicoso cigars provide an exciting new take on the legendary H.Upmann brand that's a must- try for every serious smoker. Order a box of 20 today!