Macanudo still remains one of the best-selling premium cigars in the world today, and is one of the most recognized brands. The Macanudo line of premium cigars has something for everyone, from the novice to the most seasoned aficionado, there is a taste to please. With the unprecedented success of the Macanudo Cafe line, came the introduction of the Macanudo Maduro. The Macanudo Maduro is one of the mildest, most flavorful maduro cigars on the market today. As a matter of fact these cigars have consistently received high ratings from some of the most well-known cigar publications around. Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic with the very best dark oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers, Macanudo Maduro is one of the richest and most intriguing maduros available. They make an excellent addition to any humidor, so get some from Top Hat Tobacco today!