Produced by Altadis U.S.A., Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Demi cigars are a modern interpretation of the first Cuban Montecristo cigar that was handcrafted in 1935. To celebrate the brands 85- years, the elite Grupo of Maestros, brand ambassador Rafael Nodal, and famous cigarmaker AJ Fernandez have worked together to provide a Nicaraguan puro that's second to none. This classic 5 x 46 box-pressed Corona is made entirely of Cuban seed tobaccos expertly hand rolled at AJ's prestigious San Lotano factory in Ocotál Nicaragua. The finished product is a medium to full bodied smoke that serves up mouthwatering flavors of wood, coffee, cinnamon, earth, and spice, all enhanced with a long-lasting sweet tobacco finish. Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Demi is a must try for any Monte cigar fan, along with anyone else in search of a bold and delicious Cuban-style cigar. Be sure to order a box of 20 from Top Hat Tobacco today!