The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 was made celebrate the brands illustrious 85-year history of producing some of the world's finest handmade premium cigars. To celebrate this milestone achievement, the elite Grupo of Maestros, brand ambassador Rafael Nodal, and famous cigarmaker AJ Fernandez have worked together to provide a Nicaraguan puro that's second to none. All three have teamed up with the company on several occasions before to lend their talents to some of Altadis's enormously popular Cuban heritage lines. This classic box-pressed No. 2 is made entirely of Cuban seed tobaccos expertly hand rolled at AJ's prestigious San Lotano factory in Ocotál Nicaragua. Mouthwatering flavors of wood, coffee, cinnamon, earth, and spice, all enhanced with a long-lasting sweet tobacco finish, makes it a cigar that's too good to pass up! Order a box of 10 from Top Hat today, and discover a smoke that displays the classic characteristics, construction, and superb flavors of the original 1935 Montecristo.