The Montecristo Cincuenta Toro cigar is a new limited edition offering made to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Tabacalera de Garca, the company's famous factory in the Dominican Republic that produces some of the world's most sought-after brands. Crafted only by the factories most highly skilled rollers, the cigars feature an extremely smooth and seamless Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper atop a Dominican binder, and a core of perfectly aged long fillers from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. After rolling and substantial aging, every Cincuenta Toro cigar is adorned with a gold band, and placed inside stunning hi-lacquer, humidor quality, wooden boxes of 10 with gold accents. A remarkably creamy smooth smoke, Cincuenta Toro exhibits medium strength notes of coffee, cedar, vanilla, and subtle hints of spice that will have you wanting more! With very limited quantities available, you'll want to order yours soon, before they're gone!