Odyssey Connecticut Churchill cigars are affordable premium releases from the General Cigar Co., which deliver tremendously on both quality and flavor, despite their value-priced demeanor. Premium aficionados shouldn't be dismayed by the lower price tag on these incredible Churchills- handmade with a refined Connecticut wrapper, rolled over a quality binder and well-balanced blend of premium filler tobaccos, both from Nicaragua. Odyssey Connecticut Churchill cigars are slow-burning gems, loaded with gentle nuances of exceptional medium-bodied flavor! Delivering lush notes of caramel, coffee, and roasted nuts, perfectly-balanced against a slight backbone of sweetened spice, and coffee; the Odyssey Connecticut Churchill is one top-notch smoke that's quality will surprise even the most seasoned aficionado! Affordably priced, these ideal 'everyday' smokes won't break the bank, and are a great way to fill up any humidor with a more-subdued, versatile blend that should please routine smokers. Don't let its price tag fool you- Odyssey Connecticut Churchill's are premium cigars in every sense of the term, and one of the biggest bangs for your buck out there!