Odyssey Sweet Tip Robusto cigars are manufactured by the legendary General Cigar Company, home to some of the world's most popular brands, that include Macanudo, Cohiba, Partagas, and many more. These top-notch Toro cigars start off with a thick Honduran binder, and aged Cuban-seed fillers from Nicaragua and Honduras. Then, the cigars are covered by a golden brown Nicaraguan Habano wrapper with a sweetened tip that adds a little brown sugar sweetness to its rich mellow flavors of coffee, cream, toast, and cedar. Along with exceptionally rich taste, and a highly fragrant vanilla aroma, Odyssey Sweet Tip cigars display flawless construction, a great burn, and an easy draw. Order an affordable bundle of 20 now, and experience a sweet and savory cigar coming from one of the most prestigious factories in Nicaragua!