Product Description
Oliva Serie V Melanio NUB Edicion Limitada cigars pay homage to a groundbreaking line of premium cigars that was first launched in 2008. The concept behind the innovative NUB line was to create a series of 4 x 60 ring cigars that were made to hit the proverbial “sweet spot” of the cigar the moment you light one up. The Nub Edicion Limitada is hand crafted with a gorgeous Ecuadorian Habano wrapper followed by a Nicaraguan binder and a core of expertly aged Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos cultivated from the fertile Jalapa growing region of the country. Furthermore, expert construction allows the NUB to burn just as long as a larger Toro or Double Corona sized cigar. Savor a rich, exceptionally smooth full-bodied smoke with complex notes of cedar, cocoa, leather, spice, caramel, and toast, that wastes no time in getting to the core of these delicious flavors. Available in boxes of 10.