Romeo Reserva Real Nicaragua Churchill cigars, along with the rest of the line, marks the fourth time that Altadis has introduced a Nicaraguan version of a Romeo y Julieta cigar. For this new release , Altadis U.S.A. has once again called upon the talents of famous cigarmakers AJ Fernandez and Rafael Nodal. A Nicaraguan puro of the finest pedigree, this classic 7 x50 Churchill uses only the best tobaccos carefully grown the famed AJ Fernandez farms, then, expertly rolled at his Tabacalera A.J. Fernandez factory in Estel, Nicaragua. A long-lasting smoke with an easy draw, this artisanal beauty delivers rich medium to full bodied flavors of cedar, wood, coffee, hints of cinnamon, and sweet spice. Order a box of 25 from Top Hat, and let us fill your humidor with these magnificent new Cuban-inspired Romeo's!