Once again, Altadis U.S.A has called upon the superb blending talents of AJ Fernandez and their brand ambassador Rafael Nodal to create the exciting new Romeo Reserva Real Nicaragua Robusto cigars. This highly talented cigarmaking duo fashioned these top-shelf cigars using only the best wrapper, binder, and long filler tobaccos grown on AJ's prestigious farm in Nicaragua. Nodal and Fernandez set out to create a luxurious blend that was fuller in body than its Dominican counterpart without compromising on its complexity, smoothness, and refinement. Brimming with rich medium to full bodied flavors of wood, cedar, coffee, cinnamon, and sweet spice, its safe to say that Nodal and Fernandez really hit it out of the park with this decadent new' Cubanesque' creation. Order a box of 25 from Top Hat, and get in the ground floor of a Romeo blend that's destined for greatness!