An integral part of the famous Ashton line of super-premium cigars, every San Cristobal is skillfully handmade by the legend himself, Don Jose Pepin Garcia. Carefully balanced and patiently aged, San Cristobal cigars contain a rich and robust recipe of all-Nicaraguan tobaccos surrounded by a temptingly oily Habano-seed EMS wrapper finished with a traditional Cuban-style triple-cap. Within its full-bodied strength profile, the San Cristobal brand of premium handmade cigars offers a bold yet balanced blend abundant with captivating notes of cedar, cocoa, and spice supported by an earthy undertone. Packed in decorative dress boxes of 22 cigars (the exception being the Papagayo XXL, which comes 21 per package), any style in the San Cristobal selection is sure to be a top-seller in your store.